June 15, 2024

19 h 27 nov 2003 ano - Lilly and Josh hunt and get closer. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 131
- Bob finally notices the thumping noises coming from Megan and Scott's room whilst drunk. He looks through a hole in the wall and develops a secret crush on Megan, Lilly catches him looking.
- Lilly and Josh walk through the woods hunting in the snow. They stop and talk about what happened to Josh's mom. He explains how he came back from work and found out she had let several walkers in for sweet tea which had almost completely devoured her at the dining table. SWAT teams and men in hazmat suits were taking specimens out of the house and the whole block was closed off.
- Josh breaks down and is kissed by Lilly. He returns the affection but tells her the place isn't safe. Several deer emerge from the trees followed by about twenty walkers from the Coal Brother's Family Circus.
- They escape and manage to kill a juvenile deer which they take back to 'Fort Noise'.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


19 h 27 nov 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
