July 1, 2024

8 h 36 m, 23 set 2018 ano - t2_msg1


Good morning,

I believe that everyone but Denise made it home safely. She was bumped from
her flight, some silly issue about having to be sober on flights...LOL!
It took a little work to find her, but I did. I am picking her up this
morning and she will be staying here at my house, until we can get her
another flight, maybe Monday or Tuesday on Alaska!

But she is great, cheery as always, and I am happy to have a roommate for a
few days, so everything is good!

I agree with Kristal 100%, this needs to be addressed, dealt with,
exposed....whatever it takes.

This is no garden-variety narc, this is a Super Predator.

This narc played us all, with the greatest of ease, moving us around like
chessmen. The level of covert manipulation was incredible to watch and gave
me a heightened level of insight, so I am not as bothered by that as much.
I am not happy about it, but Lenna is the real issue here. It was like
watching the movie Gaslight, in real time. Truly amazing to watch first

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


8 h 36 m, 23 set 2018 ano
~ 5 years and 8 months ago