April 1, 2024

6 h 4 m, 1 out 2018 ano - t4_msg1


Dear Erin Padget aka Erin Marie Shincke aka Erin Stark aka Evening Stark
aka Evening Ransom

The above list of AKA's is only an example of the countless AKA's used by
Evening Ransom. These AKA's are all known to police and were acquired from
a public criminal record check.

Please note Erin that your most recent video in which you fully expose your
narcissistic personality disorder is in violation of American criminal code
Section 230 (c) in breach of the Communications Decency Act and is
enforceable by law.

I understand that you narcs are all the same and it was virtually possible
for you to turn a blind eye to the possibility of launching a smear
campaign, not only does your kind love this sort of thing, but the
potential for much-needed supply could not be resisted. I do fully
understand this aspect of your disordered condition and realize that you're
well into this tits deep and have lost the ability to emotionally
self-regulate or use any good judgement or self-control.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


6 h 4 m, 1 out 2018 ano
~ 5 years and 7 months ago