June 15, 2024

11 h 15 m, 26 set 2018 ano - msg5_reply


Not sure why she bothered to claim otherwise this morning. This seemed
pretty clear to me that she was making the self protective choice (which
BTW is totally different from anyone else here making that same choice).
Kim and I do not seem to see eye to eye on how her role was different from
yours or Lenna's or anyone else's involved, but it has everything to do
with what side of that screen and microphone we've each chosen to be on,
and being responsible for the things you are saying to over 20k people
listening. And you are right that you all came to Mexico because you
believed in Kim, and that is where my response and hers was so different.
If I were in her shoes I would be so angry that someone that I supported
victimized people who trusted me to provide them a safe and secure vacation...

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


11 h 15 m, 26 set 2018 ano
~ 5 years and 8 months ago