June 15, 2024

30 maio 2019 ano - Zhìhuì shows up at UNH HQ


The Duōwéi are a multidimensional group of ten, that have the ability to not only move from realm to realm seemlessly, but can also be in multiple realms at once. All ten of the Duōwéi represent something that one needs to understand to attain complete balance, for example Zhìhuì is the Duōwéi of wisdom. It is very hard to kill a Duōwéi, as they are some of the most powerful things in any realm, or dimension, but if somehow one dies, it will be reborn, and raised by the Duōwéi of empathy, Mǔ'ài. Growing for a Duōwéi takes one full year until they are fully grown, except for the Duōwéi of strength, Gōnglǜ, because of how powerful he is. They rarely help on issues such as war, but for something of massive scale, like the invasion by Dragotheth, most of the Duōwéi will fight for what is right.

Zhìhuì came to the HQ because of a vision he had. He saw Tintunu leading an army that would destroy every animal in the middle round, human or not. Zhìhuì knew exactly how Tintunu was to gain her power as well, the Death Scroll, and even better, he knew where it was. He told them the only way to find it, was to find the Temple of Leldos, and talk to the Leldos councilmen, as the are now the protectors of the scroll after the Duōwéi of death,
Móushā died while trying to stop Dragotheth. He warns them about the council being vary quick to execute intruders, or those who waste their time. Zhihui also told them that he will be joining them on this mission to try and protect them, as Tintunu had already known about the council.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

12 out 2018


30 maio 2019 ano
~ 5 years ago