June 15, 2024

12 h 5 set 2003 ano - They arrive at Woodbury, Georgia. (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 48
- They take a detour around Greenville because of vehicle wreckage and biters.
- On Rural Road 100 they start to hear engines. They come across a sign that reads 'Woodbury - 1ml'
- They pass a Walmart and McDonalds. They see a large wall covering nearly two blocks and hear occasional voices. Philip decides they should find a way around the back. They leave Penny tied to a tree and enter the town.
- They make it pretty far before a large man and his friend Bruce stop them. They question the three on where they've been and what they have. Philip asks for a place to stay for a bit and then they'll go. The two men leave them alone.
- Woodbury has around sixty quiet, paranoid residents who keep mostly to themselves and don't trust each other. The group settle down in an abandoned two-unit apartment building.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 h 5 set 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
