June 15, 2024

11 fev 2019 ano - First Immortals start to show up around the world


Saitova Ruzha- She gained her immortality from the demon named Gagmuruun. He fell in love with Saitova as soon as he saw her, so, he kidnapped her. Saitova was then Gagmuruun's sex slave. It was like this for a few months, but one day, the demon was attacked by a group of creatures called Budinochis and was nearly killed by the captain of the group. When they left Saitova went to Gagmuruun's side and stole his soul by bashing open his head and eating his brain.

Brage Sabo- An orphan his entire life, Brage Sabo learned how to take care of himself early. Often getting into fights due to his temper trained him to be a fighter, so when the merge happened, he decided to fight back. He was at his friends house when the emergency broadcast went out. Almost directly after that his friend merged with some creature, somehow wraping the two together. Brage luckily had a gun on him as his friend was no more, and all that was in front of him was an angry monster. He shot the thing three times but his glock 19 wasn't powerful enough to do any damage. The monster grabbed Brage and bit him on his kneck and he started to passout, when all of a sudden he heard a bang and the monster fell on him. His friend shot it with a rifle, killing the monster. The bullet, however, went straight through its chest and into the stomach of Brage. The monsters blood started to go into his wound, mixing the blood together. Brage suddenly felt a burst of energy just as he thought he was dieing, he let go of that power and beams of light started coming out of his eyes and mouth. He started screaming, not knowing what was hapening, as his friend stood there in shock with his rifle pointing at Brage. Before he could do anything though, all the colours from every object started to just leave it, turning everthing in the room white. Then when all colours were gone an explosion happened killing Brage's friend. Brage survived, and not only that, he also realized his power.

Jaramogi Aneko- While working the merge started, immediatly Jaramogi saw people disapear, saw people merge, and saw a lot of creatures dismantling his co workers. Luckily for him, the exit looked clear so he could've made a break for it, but he heard screaming that sounded to familiar. He took one look behind to see who it was, and he saw his wife in the hands of a devil looking creature. Jaramogi and his wife make eye contact, before the devilish creature bites off her head, and eats it. Jaramogi went into shock for a second, but he knew he had to move. He looked at the exit one more time, but ultimatly decided that he needed to avenge his wifes death. He ran towards the creature and punched it square in the jaw, makig it fall back a little bit, bt didnt really hurt it bad. The creature then turned to Jaramogi and started shreiking. Its head rolled backfrom its jaw, almost like it was opening its mouth super wide. A smller was inside. Jaramogi thought about running, but something wouldn't let him, as he attemoted to bring the thing to the ground, but before he could do so, the creature's smaller head came flying towards Jaramogi apperently attached the creatures asophagus. It bites Jaramogi, but gets grabbed and put into a kind of head lock. Jaramogi squeezed the head until the main body had to come take control, repelling the head back into its mouth. Jaramogi quickly grabbed a pair of siccors however, and stabbed the things asophagus. The creature screamed in pain and charged at Jaramogi, picking him up and throwing him across the room where another monster, this one looking more like a snake mixed with a human. It immediatly attacked Jaramogi, but luckily saw a gun that a secerity must've had. He grabs the gun and kills the snake thing just as it goes to attack again. Jaramogi's wounds at this point were so bad he decided that he was going to die anyway so he might as well take on his wifes murderer. Running as fast as he can at the creature, he jumps onto a desk and then launches himself onto the back of it. The small face comes to attack him but he shoots it and knocks it clean off. The creature screams again and gets Jaramogi off of him. They both stand, both bloody meses, staring at eachother. After a moment the creature charges, and Jaramogi fires his gun, in the end the monster had died but Jaramogi was on the brink of dieing aswell. He lied down in the office he worked in and waited for death to come. But before he could close his eyes, an old lady appeared directly in front of him, her nose almost touching is. She then gave him the power, and curse, of immortality. Now all Jaramogi wants to do is die, but no one knows how to kill an immortal, yet.

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12 out 2018


11 fev 2019 ano
~ 5 years and 3 months ago