June 15, 2024

10 h 2 ago 2003 ano - Philip and April go on a supply run. (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 14
- After breakfast, Philip spots April duck-taping her sleeves and ankles. She wants to lure away some biters from the south side of the building so she can get supplies. Philip doesn't let her do it alone and joins her. April wields a Hank Aaron signed baseball bat.
- They get out the building from room 3F. When they get down Philip has roughly one minute and forty-five seconds before April risks her life to get inside a convenience store. Philip sets off a home-made Molotov and runs.
- April has eleven and a half minutes to collect as many supplies as she can carry.
- Once she is done she makes her way out the store but comes across a dead little girl about Penny's age missing her leg. She puts it down and the girl's identical twin approaches. Philip shoots the girl through the window and the two leave the store with about fifty biters on either flank.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


10 h 2 ago 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
