July 1, 2024

1 mar 1689 ano - English Bill of Rights


The English Bill of Rights was a British Law passed by the Parliament of Great Britain that declared the rights and liberties of the people and settling the succession in William lll and Mary ll following the Glorius Revolution of 1688 when James ll was deposed. This bill of rights established a constitutional monarchy, one in which the King or Queen has a largely ceremonial position. This is a form of government where a monarch acts as head of state but their powers are defined and limited by law. They also employ a parliamentary system with a Prime Minister as head of the government.

The English Bill of Rights had a massive influence on the colonies settling in North America and in the writing of the Constitution of the US. Some of the similarities between both writings include free elections, freedom of speech, no taxes should be levied without the proper authority, no excessive fines should be imposed, and laws should not be dispensed with, or suspended, without the proper consent.

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1 mar 1689 ano
~ 335 years ago