June 15, 2024

1 mar 2019 ano - Commence Mutual Engagement Exercises


Through the transition period, we plan to foster and encourage open dialogue between executive management, regional locations, and individual employees. The implementation of transition monitoring teams will help facilitate this dialogue. A significant piece of this dialogue will focus on ensuring that management is fully aware of who stands to lose something through the change, and what they stand to lose. It is particularly important that corporate it is aware of how this change may be perceived negatively and to expect resistance. As consultants, our job will be to help employees and management properly deal with resistance and facilitate the transition by helping people let go of the old way of things and embrace the strategy.

In addition, we plan to create a dramatic confrontation for employees so that the change initiative is fully justified and employees fully buy into the new leadership and strategy. There will also be after-action reviews to assess the effectiveness of new processes as they occur. After-action reviews will foster more transparent communication and innovation during and after the transition.

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1 mar 2019 ano
~ 5 years and 3 months ago