June 15, 2024

14 dez 1968 ano - Gladys & Maria - Los Angeles, California


Gladys & Maria's roommates go to a Door's concert, leaving the two alone in the enormous house. A stranger knocks on the door, claiming to be injured. The two nursing students allow them inside, where they attempt to treat the wound, but are unable to find the source of the bleeding. R. Franklin takes advantage of the moment of confusion, hitting Maria over the head with a heavy ashtray. He forces Gladys upstairs, where he drowns her in the bathtub. He then waits for Maria to awaken, forcing her to put on a nurse uniform, tricking her into thinking he left, then stabs her in the back when she thinks safe.
Date of the Doors concert in LA, 1968 was December 14. This is the assumed date of the murders.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


14 dez 1968 ano
~ 55 years ago