June 15, 2024

2 nov 2008 ano - Bell Pottinger works on Banda campaign



The MMD has hired five image-building consultants from the Bell Pottinger, a UK-based firm, to help improve Vice-President Banda's political image to the public.

According to sources in Vice-President Banda's campaign team, the image builders first came to Zambia in early August through Mulongoti but went back after a few days.

"But they returned to Zambia a few days after RB was elected as MMD presidential candidate by the NEC," the source said. "Among these consultants is Luke Chauveau who is a director in Bell Pottinger. Others are Lee Petterson, Jonathan Caine and Ms Rhi Price."

And according to information on Bell Pottinger's website, Luke - with 14 years experience in consultancy - specialises in advising companies and prominent individuals on their reputational and communication challenges.

"Examples include the former prime minister of Thailand on media handling in the UK, the Nigerian President Ura'Adua on his election campaign, as well as heads of state on their officials visits to the UK. He also advises the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Trafigura and Emirates Airline," read the website in part adding that Luke is a former aide to the US army general Peter Schoomaker, the former head of the US army and press officer for the UN in Bosnia. Luke, whose sector specialism is the defence industry, also worked at the Press Complaints Commission.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

15 set 2018


2 nov 2008 ano
~ 15 years ago