June 15, 2024

26 set 1907 ano - Dominion Proclamation


Following the 1907 Imperial Conference, self governing colonies in the British Empire are officially established as Dominions. This established the De Jure independence of a massive amount of British Colonies, though they were all still loyal to and under the British Crown.

These new nations included the Dominions of; Newfoundland, Capeland [formerly the Cape Colony], Hawaii, New Zealand, the Septinsular Union [formerly the United States of the Ionian Islands], Transvaal, and Zion.

Tongaland, a British protectorate since 1887 was given to Transvaal to grant the Dominion sea access. Natal was given the option of Dominion status, but as it would require Natal supply it's own economy and military, they declined.

Proposals to unite the South African Dominions into a single entity did occur, though cultural and racial differences would result in these leading to nothing.

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26 set 1907 ano
~ 116 years ago