June 15, 2024

13 mar 1991 ano - Luebbert


following Moore
how social structures and interclass coalitions affected the resulting political system.
where liberal political economy survived in the inter-war periods. the stabilization resulted in the strenghening of the liberal movements before the war and their coalition with the working class (lib-lab). in the inter-war period the crirsis caused the middle class to abandon the working class in favor of a center-right coalitions against the working class. in this case, the working class lacked the ability and expirince to orgenize. this resulted in liberal democracies, where the midel class can mobilize the working class for different interests, and the working class achieves some benefits, but not as much as it could have.
where the liberal political economy did not survive (due to pre-war internal cleavages), two options developed:
where the middle calss allied with middle peasantry rather than with working class, social democracy emerged. but where the middle class tried to mobilize the working classes or lower peasantry, it was repressed by the middle peasantry and uraban middle class, and the result was fascism.

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13 mar 1991 ano
~ 33 years ago