June 15, 2024

9 h 31 jul 2003 ano - They clear the second floor, Brian kills his first biter. (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 12
- After breakfast Philip and Nick get ready to clear out the second floor. Brian comes over dressed in clean clothes and nursing a shotgun and confidentially offers to help. Philip asks about Penny and spots her with the Chalmers sisters smiling for the first time in ages.
- On the second floor Brian starts shaking. Philip kicks open the first apartment door and they all take a step back because of the smell. In the corner are a mother, father and two late teenage kids. Philip and Nick quickly kill them and Brian is attacked from the left by a fifth biter. The biter pins him down and Brian instinctively and half accidentally shoves the shotgun in her mouth and pulls the trigger.
- The head of the girlfriend biter is stuck on the end of the gun and slowly slides down. Philip is proud.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


9 h 31 jul 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
