June 15, 2024

20 h 50 m, 30 jul 2003 ano - Philip gets grabbed, they're saved by April Chalmers, they stay at the Chalmers' apartment. (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 11
- They get lucky and escape through an unmarked metal door in a back office which leads to an alley outside. The garbage dumpsters are overflowing with mangled bodies.
- They cross the street to another alley and Philip is grabbed by a hand pocking out from under a dumpster. Nick shoots the zombie and the sounds of the herd change direction like the wind.
- They run away and encounter less and less walking dead with every block. They turn a corner and hurry down herringbone brick. They feel trapped but Philip notices a figure in the distance, outside the largest building on the block, waving at them.
- The woman whisperers for them to get over here because she has shelter and supplies but Philip is cautious. He asks her how many people are with her which she doesn't answer until Philip insists she does. She says three. Philip starts asking some more but she gives up and decides to go back inside the apartment building. Before she does Philip does what she says and cautiously comes over with his group.
- The woman introduces herself to Penny and the others as April.
- She knocks on the door of Apartment 1C and a voice comes from the intercom tells the group to give up their weapons. Philip gives April a 'no way in hell' look so April vouches for them because of Penny. The man on the intercom reminds her that "Hitler painted roses" and allows them to enter.
- April's sister, Tara opens the door to greet them, Philip enters and doesn't acknowledge anything at first besides a shotgun pointing at him from a rocking chair across the room. Philip raises his .22 at the old man and the two talk. The man asks if Philip's group are on any drugs which they're not. They bond over the 'mythical refugee centre'.
- The tension dies down and they both lower their weapons. The man introduces himself as David Chalmers and explains that they're the world famous Chalmers family band. Philip introduces his group.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


20 h 50 m, 30 jul 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
