April 1, 2024

11 maio 751 ano - The Battle of Talas River


In the year 751 CE, the Battle of Talas River took place between the Arabs and The Tibetan Empire, and China. The battle began because the Arabs were quickly expanding, but China had its eyes on Central Asia as well. The battle was a fight for power over land, empires, and dynasties. Both armies fought for five straight days, and many individuals on both sides were casualties. The battle resulted in an Arab victory.
The Battle of Talas River involved the trading of material goods. Evidence shows that medicines from china and Southeast Asia were written in Arabic pharmaceutical writings. Ammonium chloride was also introduced during this battle. There must have been more material goods exchanged from this battle; however, the textbook, nor the Internet, does not cover any further information regarding this. Despite being a historical event, the Battle of Talas can relate to this class because of its involvement with material goods and exchanges.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


11 maio 751 ano
~ 1273 years ago
