June 15, 2024

8 mar 2004 ano - Chris and Julie commit a suicide pact, they discover that you reanimate no matter what. (Issue 14) (Issue 15)


- Day 244
- Chris and Julie finish having sex, they decide to 'do it' and that there's no backing down. They each pull out the gun which Tyreese let them keep.
- A shot is heard and Rick goes downstairs to investigate. He finds Tyreese crying and holding his dead daughter in his arms, Chris is alive and crying in the corner shocked at what he's done. He goes on about accidentally pulling the trigger too fast and them 'being together forever'.
- Tyreese begs for Julie to come back and she reanimates in his arms, despite not being bitten Chris shoots her in the head.
- In a fit of pure rage, Tyreese strangles Chris. He sends Rick away and waits for Chris to come back so he can mutilate him.
- Rick tells the others that Chris and Julie had killed each other and both came back to cover for Tyreese.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


8 mar 2004 ano
~ 20 years ago
