June 15, 2024

12 maio 1935 ano - Chicken Master Race


Heinrich Himmler a veteran of the Weltkrieg emigrated to the United Baltic Duchy, as he followed the Pan-Germanist belief of colonizing the former Russian lands, so his wife Margarete sold her share of a clinic and used the proceeds to buy a plot of land in Latvia, where they erected a chicken farm. Himmler began work on selectively breeding to produce the perfect chickens. He became famous in 1935 when he created a perfect new race of chickens, which he called "Haushuhn Herrenvolk" (Chicken Master Race). Appreciated by the Hohenzollern family themselves for the exquisite taste of his creations, Himmler became one of the tycoons of the United Baltic Duchy. It was around this time that Himmler created an Occultist society, the "Ahnenerbe group", a Germanic neo-paganist movement that propagated a move away from Christianity towards an "Aryan-Nordic religion", and looks for proof of Aryan and Nordic racial superiority from ancient times.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


12 maio 1935 ano
~ 89 years ago