June 15, 2024

24 mar 1919 ano - Treaty of Salonika


With the capitulation of Greece, the Treaty of Salonika was forced upon the humiliated nation in 1919. Greece was forced to give up almost all its gains from the first two Balkan Wars that had occurred less than a decade prior. It lost all of its Macedonian land, except for an exclave surrounding Salonika and the Chalkidiki peninsula. Crete was leased to Germany for an undisclosed amount of time, and the Ottomans were given most of the Aegean Islands back. Aside from territorial loss, Austria and Germany both put high war debts upon Greece. King Alexander would try to negotiate these debts by allowing German and Austrian companies unrestrained access to the Greek economy. When this only made things worse, King Alexander fled the country as the third Hellenic Republic was declared.

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24 mar 1919 ano
~ 105 years ago