June 15, 2024

27 fev 1927 ano - The Ausgleich of 1927


Despite the victory in the Weltkrieg, the war revealed the Empire’s significant weaknesses and its dependence upon Germany. Despite Emperor Karl's continued efforts to establish a multinational and revived empire, nationalistic tension rose, most notably, between Czechs and ethnic Germans, and numerous other minorities, who had historical nationalist tendencies. The Ausgleich negotitions in 1927 soon degenerated in quarrels and disputes between the ethnic minorities of the empire, prompting a constitutional crisis. Faced with a potential civil war within the Empire, Karl had to face the humiliation of having to call in German mediation to resolve the deadlock. The Germans denied the Hungarian requests for greater power in the Dual Monarchy, but forced Austria to concede autonomy statutes to Bohemia and Galicia-Lodomiera and transfer the control over Ukraine (obtained at the end of the Weltkrieg) to Germany itself. The newly established Kingdom of Illyria, formed from the south slavic territories of the Empire (Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro) was recognised as a secondary constituent within the Cisleithanian half of the country.

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27 fev 1927 ano
~ 97 years ago