June 15, 2024

13 set 1919 ano - The Papal State is Reformed


The Papal States had refused to be crushed by Italy during its unification losing all of its territory but the Vatican. Following the collapse of Italy after the Weltkrieg, Rome became in danger of capture by the Socialist Republic of Italy. The blurry battle lines of the civil war mostly spared Rome due to the local Austrian garrison, which, together with local right-wing militias, crushed uprisings in Rome. The debilitated Vatican state had no armed forces loyal to it, however, and it had scarce chances at resisting any Syndicalist offensive. However, King Ferdinand III of the reborn Kingdom of Two Sicilies and now leader of the Italian Federation would not stand by while the centre of Catholicism fell to syndicalism, and led a counter-offensive to secure Rome, bringing the Papal State under Sicilian protection

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


13 set 1919 ano
~ 104 years ago