June 15, 2024

25 abr 1928 ano - Zhili and Shanxi-Fengtian Coalition Agree to Ceasfire


Shortly afterward, the Zhili and Shanxi-Fengtian coalition to agree to a cease-fire under mediation from Germany and Japan. The cost is the end of the Shanxi-Fengtian allaince, and Yan Xishan recognising the return of Qing rule (and acknowledging Zhili power).

The result of this is that the larger warlord cliques (the LEP, Yunnan, Sichuan, the Ma's & Xinjiang’s Yang Zengxin) swear allegiance to the Qing Empire, exceptions being the Tibetans and Mongols, as well as Zhang Zuolin's Fengtian. In doing so the compliant warlords are able to keep their autonomy.

Guangdong and Guangxi decided to strengthen their ties. Guangdong garrisons retreated from Guangxi. Lu Rongting felt the need for modernization. Receiving advice from Chen, Lu invited Ma Junwu, a celebrated scientist, and educator, to lead the civil administration of Guangxi while general Ma Ji took the responsibility of army modernization. They signed The Treaty of Liangguang Mutual Defense and Assistance. By its term, Guangdong and Guangxi respect the autonomy of each other and cooperate to protect and facilitate their autonomy.

Zhang Zuolin instead establishes the Fengtian Government (of the Republic of China) declaring the Empire illegitimate. The Qing do the same for the Republic.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


25 abr 1928 ano
~ 96 years ago