June 15, 2024

20 set 1928 ano - Coup in Cuba


The government of the left-leaning Liberal, Alfredo Zayas Alfonso, was ousted by Gerardo Machado, who became increasingly dictatorial, and was extremely friendly with the United States. The economic turmoil caused by the Great Depression invigorated Cuban opposition movements. Most importantly, the young University of Havana student, Rafael Trejo, joined the University Student Directory (founded on the model of the earlier University Student Federation) with its formation in 1927, and quickly rose in prominence within the organization. Following his repression by the Machado regime, on the 20th of September 1928, Trejo led a coalition of students from the University of Havana to protest in front of the Presidential Palace against Machado’s government. Protests in Havana quickly spiralled out of control, and the Cuban Army, originally called in to suppress the protests, refused to attack the demonstrators. Protesters swarmed the palace, and the presidential guard quickly folded in the face of army mutiny. An image of Rafael Trejo and a young officer, Martin Diaz Tamayo, hand-in-hand in front of the Presidential Palace quickly became the symbol of this fledgling revolution.

The movement, begrudgingly with the input of the Cuban army, quickly established an interim government and called for new elections for January 28th, the birthday of Jose Marti.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


20 set 1928 ano
~ 95 years ago