June 15, 2024

15 h 20 jul 2003 ano - Lee Everett is being driven to prison, they crash off the highway. (A New Day)


- Day 1
- Lee Everett is being driven out of Atlanta, Georgia on his way to Meriwether County Correctional Facility for accidentally murdering a state senator who he caught sleeping with his wife. The officer guesses that Lee's innocent due to his silence, as around this point is when a typical criminal would say "I didn't do it". The officer followed Lee's case a bit as he's from Macon. The two make small talk for a bit. Several police cars rush past in the opposite direction with their sirens on. The cop goes to tell Lee how he sees his situation but stops himself when he sees Lee glaring at him.
- The car radio reports a riot in progress as several SWAT trucks and a helicopter drive by. The cop tells Lee about one passenger he once drove (Thomas Richards). He was crying and wailing in the back seat like a fussy baby. Once he calmed down, he started crying to his mom seemingly having convinced himself that he didn't do it. The officer explains that they caught him cutting up his wife to cover the murder.
- The officer states that he believes people will go mad when they believe their life is over. He begins to explain another story to Lee when a figure crosses the road in front of them which the car hits and proceeds to crash off the highway and down a hill, killing the officer and injuring Lee's leg.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


15 h 20 jul 2003 ano
~ 20 years ago
