June 15, 2024

21 ago 1881 ano - Treaty of Scarborough


[See Scramble for Patagonia - 1870]

Signed to bring a peaceful resolution to the Scramble for Patagonia. [Note; this is a modern name given to the event following the Scramble for Africa. Originally the conflict was called the Conquest of the Desert, or the Mapuche Unification Wars]

The Treaty consisted of the following terms;

1.) the entire northern region of Patagonia is to be annexed by Argentina; additionally, the western regions above the Deseado river is granted to Argentina.

2.) All of Patagonia South of the Chico River and West of the Andes [minus OTL Palena Province] are to be directly annexed by Chile.

3.) The land in between these claims is to be granted to the unified Mapuche state known as the Confederation of Araucanía and Patagonia.

4.) The Confederation of Araucanía and Patagonia is be established as a protectorate of Chile. [though it ends up becoming a de facto puppet state.]

5. The United Kingdom would be granted the island of Tierra del fuego [or Fire Island]. In exchange, the United Kingdom recognizes Chilean claims to the Pitcairn Islands.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


21 ago 1881 ano
~ 142 years ago