June 15, 2024

9 jun 1815 ano - Congress of Vienna


The Napoleonic Wars in Europe are brought to an end after over 12 years of on and off war in Europe. The territorial terms are as follows;

1.) Russia is granted most of the Duchy of Warsaw (Poland) and was allowed to keep Finland

2.) Prussia is granted three fifths of Saxony, parts of the Duchy of Warsaw (the Grand Duchy of Posen), Danzig, and the Rhineland/Westphalia.

3.) A German Confederation consisting of 39 states is established, under the presidency of the Austrian Emperor. Only portions of the territory of Austria and Prussia were included in the Confederation.

4.) The Netherlands and the Southern Netherlands are united into the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. To compensate for the loss of the Nassau lands to Prussia, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is joined with the Netherlands in a Personal Union.

5.) Swedish Pomerania, is granted by Denmark to Prussia. France receives back Guadeloupe from Sweden. Norway had been ceded by the king of Denmark-Norway to the king of Sweden.

6.) Hanover must gave up the Duchy of Lauenburg to Denmark, but is granted the former territories of the Bishop of Münster and East Frisia, and made a kingdom.

7.) Most of the territorial gains of Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden, Hesse-Darmstadt, and Nassau under the mediatizations of 1801–1806 are recognized.

8.) Bavaria is granted the Rhenish Palatinate and parts of the Napoleonic Duchy of Würzburg and Grand Duchy of Frankfurt. Hesse-Darmstadt, in exchange for giving up the Duchy of Westphalia to Prussia, is granted Rhenish Hesse.

9.) Austria regains control of the Tyrol, Salzburg, the former Illyrian Provinces and the Tarnopol district. Austria is also granted Lombardy-Venetia and Ragusa. Lombardy-Venetia is established as a crown land of the empire.

10.) The Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Duchy of Parma and the Duchy of Modena are returned to the control of Hapsburg princes.

11.) The King of Sardinia was restored in Piedmont, Nice, and Savoy, and was given control of Genoa.

12.) The Papal States are restored to their former extent with the exceptions of Avignon and the Comtat Venaissin, which remain part of France.

13.) Britain is confirmed in control of the Cape Colony, Tobago, Ceylon, and various other colonies in Africa and Asia. Other colonies are restored to their previous owners.

14.) The neutrality of Switzerland is guaranteed.

15.) The slave trade Is condemned by the powers of Europe.

16.) Freedom of navigation is guaranteed for many rivers, notably the Rhine and the Danube.

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9 jun 1815 ano
~ 209 years ago