June 15, 2024

24 jan 521 ano antes da era comum - Admin system established


The problem with big places (as we'll see lots of times in world history) is that they're hard to take care of.


Communication was super difficult. People had to physically travel from one place to another (in the case of the Achaemenid Empire, very long distances) to get any information through. Sometimes, since traveling wasn't that safe, they wouldn't ever make it, and information would be lost just like that.

So Darius worked to establish extensive and numerous communication lines throughout the Achaemenid Empire to keep it all together. These were called the Persian Royal Roads, and they get a thingy to themselves because they were important.

Finally, he also improved existing roads in Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Syria, and Egypt.


He also sent out little people to rule over sections of his Empire, so now everyone just had to take care of small little parts.

We've seen issues with this, though, where governors get power-hungry and decide to either become their own Empire or to take over the existing Empire.


So, Darius also made it so military groups would make little surprise visits to each small part of his Empire to make absolute sure that no one was plotting to stray from his rule. Smart man.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:

13 mai 2018


24 jan 521 ano antes da era comum
~ 2547 years ago