June 15, 2024

11 jan 2018 ano - Battle of Titan


-Strange, Stark and Parker crash-land the Q-Ship on Titan. Shortly afterwards, the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive, and after a brief confrontation everyone realizes they're on the same side, against Thanos. They proceed to concoct a plan to ambush Thanos and remove the Gauntlet from his hand.

-Once Thanos, now owning four Infinity Stones, arrives on Titan, the Earth heroes and the Guardians attack him, eventually being joined by Nebula once she crashes her Necrocraft on Thanos. Once Thanos was restrained and put on his knees, Mantis used her powers to put him in a trance, while Iron Man and Spider-Man attempted to remove the Infinity Gauntlet. Once Quill and Nebula conclude that Thanos has killed Gamora, an angry Quill hits Thanos in the face and accidentally breaks Mantis's grip, making Thanos regain consciousness just as the Gauntlet was leaving his fist.

-Thanos uses his powers to throw one of Titan's moons on the planet, forcing everyone to run for their lives. Eventually Thanos has Iron Man pinned down and is about to kill him, but Strange offers the Time Stone in exchange for letting Stark live. Holding all but one of the Stones, Thanos leaves for Earth.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


11 jan 2018 ano
~ 6 years and 5 months ago
