July 1, 2024

8 jan 1936 ano - Second United Front


Chiang had relied on deals with warlords. They wanted Chiang to focus on removing the Japanese rather than fight the Communists.

A Second United Front between GMD and the CCP was created to remove Japan from China.

Role of CCP:
- Red Army grown to 1.2million.
- Gained support of many policies.
- Very eager to remove Japanese from China.
- Used guerrilla tactics instead of conventional warfare, where they ambushed the Japanese and attacked weak points.

Limitations of GMD:
- Performance in war was poor - Chiang still saw the communists as the real enemy.
- GMD suffered heavy bombing
- GMD guerrilla warfare and lack of moral less effective than the CCP
- GMD was unpopular with peasants as GMD economic policies imposed high taxes and favoured the rich. Also, peasants were treated poorly by the GMD.

Adicionado na linha do tempo:


8 jan 1936 ano
~ 88 years ago