// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Califorina Gold Rush (24 janv. 1848 – 1 janv. 1855) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Califorina Gold Rush (24 janv. 1848 – 1 janv. 1855)


What sparked the gold rush was the discovery of gold nuggets in Sacramento Valley in California. Everybody all over the world traveled to make easy profits and the way they did this was either by sea or land. When the entire gold rush was over a total of $2 billion worth of material was mined.

Photo Description:
This is a photo of miners and people mining gold all around for quick money and profits. This was the time to make a lot of money.
Year 1850

Ajouté au bande de temps:


24 janv. 1848
1 janv. 1855
~ 6 years and 11 months

Les images: