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April 1, 2024

Industrial Revolution (11 nov 1780 – 19 juill. 1850)


Britain was home to a series of circumstances that made the rise of the industrial revolution possible—high wages, a stable and open government that did not hinder technological innovation, an abundance of coal, displaced farmers by the enclosure system who moved to the cities in search of work, stable financial systems and multiple colonies that offered cheap raw materials and served as potential commercial markets. With the rise of steam engines, coal could be used as an efficient fuel and increased the rate of manufacturing of goods. This in turn, lowered the price of goods. The British government also assisted in the development of industry with funding infrastructure to transport goods from factory to market, offering a wide consumer base. Most importantly, the rise of the industrial revolution marked the rise of a middle class, a new aristocracy and a period of sustained economic growth that made possible a large population boom.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

17 févr. 2019


11 nov 1780
19 juill. 1850
~ 69 years

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