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April 1, 2024

Reign of Menassah, King of Judah (27 févr. 696 av. J.-C. – 18 mai 645 av. J.-C.)


Manasseh was king of Judea for 52 years.

Manasseh was one of the most evil of the Kings of Judah, and even participated in child sacrifice. He did try to repent later in life, but was unable to turn his sons from the same wickedness.

I believe that Lehi and Ishmael were both born during the last few years of his reign, and thus were born when Judea was at its lowest point.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


27 févr. 696 av. J.-C.
18 mai 645 av. J.-C.
~ 50 years