June 15, 2024

The enlightenment (1650-1800) (3 nov 1650 – 29 juin 1800)


In general terms, the Enlightenment was an intellectual movement, developed mainly in France, Britain and Germany, which advocated freedom, democracy and reason as the primary values of society. It started from the standpoint that men's minds should be freed from ignorance, from superstition and from the arbitrary powers of the State, in order to allow mankind to achieve progress and perfection. The period was marked by a further decline in the influence of the church, governmental consolidation and greater rights for the common people. Politically, it was a time of revolutions and turmoil and of the overturning of established traditions.
King Jacob took over when Elizabeth died but he was not advanced like Elizabeth. The French did not talk about the enlightenment 1750 because It was based on the revolution, but its international date of the enlightenment is 1620.
Also called the age of reason, while that period people did not believe in magic, church, faith, Etc..
people were thinking more logic by believing that knowledg comes from experiences.
they started thinking about
Rationalism (logic, reason as source of knowledge).
Empirism (knowledge come through experience).
Criticism (critical thinking, argumentation).
Egalitarianism (everybody is born equal).
Deism (rejection of organized religion).
Starting point of the middle class:
More people were literate
Good manners, restraint, self-control. And common sense.
Appearances, formal style and elegance
Coffee houses, tea, chocolate.
The people were not dependent on the church any more. So the church cannot judge over people anymore, so that means that the church had not that power any more.
People changed their clothing way and took care of their hair (wigs) because they wanted to look good, fancy and elegant. The is overlap to the romantic period.
Neoclassical architecture it means new classical as the white house and the buildings were often round (picture of it in timeline). The byzantine make the architecture better.
Advancement of ideals like:
Progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state. Birth of democracy and liberalism the French revolution (1789-1799) the American constitution was created in this time (1789).
The enlightenment was a time for physics and math, but now physic started to be studied in Europe by looking more to the pyramids newton, Voltaire was an important part of this period

Ajouté au bande de temps:

18 févr. 2019


3 nov 1650
29 juin 1800
~ 149 years

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