June 15, 2024

POST-MODERN: DIVERSITY (18 nov 1972 – 31 janv. 2005)


- regulates the power of social forces
- comments on how we are formed by the images around us and how are desires are determined by what society dictates
- works against stereotypes
- use of photography

- takes images from other sources and amplifies their meanings
- addresses issues such as legal and safe abortion, domestic violence
- work specifically used in campaigns
- striking images capture the attention of the public to publicize these issues
- graphic designer: work is meant to capture the viewer long enough to share a message
- "men look at women, women watch themselves being looked at"

- film still of a non-existent film (the viewer makes up the film and completes the picture)

- truism: obvious truth (changes them into words of wisdom)
- anonymous and aggressive political warnings and instructions
- street posters that are meant to be consumed by the public
- reveals the queasiness of society during the 1980s
- work exhibits a concern for society (growing gap between the poor and the wealthy, growing number of homeless)
- temporary tattoos are confessions of the perpetrator

- performance art
- pastiche: combines various work from different movements
- takes on a roll of a women from history or stories

- Feminine fixation about anxiety over their body
- catalogues voluntary torture
- defaces photos of models
- intervenes with the idea of the ideal body
- re-photographs images of happy couples

- transposes another portrait on her own portrait
- erases gender representations
- questions the truth of identity and gender (it is easy to cross to another gender, what makes a face male and female)

- scenes of slavery
- dark humour, scenes of violence
- projects images using overhead projects onto black cut-outs (viewer's shadow becomes part of the piece)
- reveals the dark history supressed by the dominant culture

- rearranges historical artifacts in museums (of slavery and racism)
- places different objects together to reveal the existence of slavery that was hidden by the museums (what they put on display says a lot about the museum)

- Metis artist
- mixed media
- questions family history and cultural memory
- includes photos from residential schools

- female aboriginal artist
- her "fountains" resembles blood (unlike traditional fountains that represent elegance)
- comments on the industrialized landscape of northern Vancouver
- comments on issues such as the Mohawk's ownership of the land
- work used as political demonstrations

- deconstructs Nikes to represent aboriginal artifacts and masks
- comments on how indigenous culture is consumed by consumer culture
- questions hand-made vs mass produced
- juxtaposes 2 styles
- comments on how aboriginal art preceded consumer fashion

- uses Haida forms that are depicted in various colours and merge them with contemporary art forms
- comments on the destruction of the environment
- critical of both the white and aboriginal people

- appropriates gender paintings
- romanticizes stereotypes of aboriginal people
- constructs new stories using the missing perspectives of aboriginal people

- identity and gender is assigned rather than fixed

- comments on the AIDs issue
- uses humour to critique the art world
- blurs art with popular culture
- appropriates and recreates work of modern artists (Indiana, Mondrian)

Ajouté au bande de temps:

16 déc. 2018


18 nov 1972
31 janv. 2005
~ 32 years