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April 1, 2024

Clashes with the Jews (24 déc. 63 – 30 janv. 70)


Unlike the Romans, the Jews did not praise more than one God. They had a monotheistic religion, they believed in God, which started Christianity. Due to this, the Romans believed that this was and insult to them and their God's which made them upset. They decided to let them continue their religion under their empire, but the Jews did not agree and created political conflict by rebelling against Roman rules. They tried but failed and got conquered instead. After a while, the Romans started treating them bad and even raised taxes. They soon caused destruction and caused the end of the city. Later they left and built a new city. The Jews were forbidden to enter this new city.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


24 déc. 63
30 janv. 70
~ 6 years

Les images:
