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April 1, 2024

Lincoln-Douglas Debates (21 août 1858 – 15 oct. 1858)


The Lincoln-Douglas Debates occurred during the race for an Illinois Senate seat. Compared to Douglas, Lincoln was an enigma on the political spectrum. Lincoln did not believe in abolishing slavery, but rather stopping the expansion of it. Douglas, a supporter of popular sovereignty, was challenged by Lincoln to use popular sovereignty and apply it to the Dred Scott case. Because of this, Douglas responded that slavery could not exist without certain laws to maintain it. Douglas' response, known as the Freeport Doctrine, angered many Southerners because Douglas didn't express enough support for the ruling in Dred Scott. Douglas ultimately won the election against Lincoln.

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates are significant because they brought the issue of slavery to a political platform and a state platform. Slavery became one of the most important deciding factors in that election, and revealed the test of slavery in an electoral environment.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


21 août 1858
15 oct. 1858
~ 1 months and 25 days

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