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April 1, 2024

Iraq-Iran War (22 sept. 1980 – 20 août 1988)


This war occured when Iraq under Sadam Hussein invaded the oil rich border between Iraq and Iran. Claiming that they were trespassing, the Iran military battled Iraq back. Even after Iraq had retreated, the Iranians kept fighting. The Iraqis were led by Sadam Hussein. This was a critical turning point because the U.S. actually supported Hussein. It showed that America would be on the other side of Iran in literally any conflict. It also led to feelings of isolation and abandonment by the Iran people. These feelings would develop into resentment and keep growing. It was a global event because it shaped much of middle eastern history and determined many countries' relationships with Iran.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

29 nov. 2018


22 sept. 1980
20 août 1988
~ 7 years and 10 months