// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Mayan Empire (12 juin 900 av. J.-C. – 12 oct. 301 av. J.-C.) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Mayan Empire (12 juin 900 av. J.-C. – 12 oct. 301 av. J.-C.)


- Hierarchical government
- Polytheistic
- They had individual states instead of a centralized form of government: Tikal and Palenque
- Palenque was an ancient Maya city
- Tikal was an ancient Maya city-state
- It contains more than a dozen major pyramids
- Pakal the Great was one of the great rulers that the Mayan empire had
- He ascended the throne at the age of 12 and ruled for close to 70 years
- During his reign, Palenque was able to recover from invasions by its rival Calakmul
- Pakal also launched the construction of the "Temple of Inscriptions"
- Cleared rainforests in order to have large amounts of vegetation.
- Traded honey, cocoa, cotton cloth and feathers.
- They developed the concept zero
- They invented the first organized "ball game"
- The team that won got to live and the team that lost was sacrificed to the gods and said to be sent to the underworld
- Had a patriarchal society

Ajouté au bande de temps:

3 déc. 2018


12 juin 900 av. J.-C.
12 oct. 301 av. J.-C.
~ 599 years

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