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April 1, 2024

Early Tudor Period (9 févr. 1485 – 25 mars 1558)


The early Tudor period is the period from 1485 to 1558. The early Tudor period is the period of the reign of King Henry VII. Tudors is the family name which reight over England for a good hundred years. At their reign, England was economically healthier, more expensive and more optimistic under the Tudors than any other time.

Following the Black Death and the agricultural depression of the late 15th century, the population began to increase. It was less than 2 million in 1450, and about 4 million in 1600. The growing population stimulated economic growth, accelerated the export and imports and promoted the growth of London.

King Henry VII
King Henry was one of the most famous kings of English history. Henry is best known for his six marriages, in particular, his efforts to divorce his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon. His disagreement with the Pope on the question of such a divorce led Henry to start the English Reformation, separating the Church of England from The Catholic church. He appointed himself the Supreme Head of the Church of England and discontinued monasteries. As he made this reformation he could happily marry and divorce any woman he wanted, you could call him the original fuckboy of the 16th century.
Henry is also known as "the father of the Royal Navy"; he invested heavily in the Navy, increasing its size greatly from a few to more than 50 ships.

Having such drastic changes made the people at the time very unhappy and confused. We could see that he really was unhappy with his love life or he just really liked to have fun with people and not commit to them. A new time was to come as the only child of Henry was a girl named Elizabeth. She will come to be the queen of England and an exceptional leader of England.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


9 févr. 1485
25 mars 1558
~ 73 years

Les images:
