// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Renaissance (9 janv. 1485 – 9 oct. 1603) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

The Renaissance (9 janv. 1485 – 9 oct. 1603)


The Renaissance in French meaning "rebirth" started in Italy (Petrarch, Da Vinci, and Michelangelo).

In England, it started with The early Tudor period
King Henry VIII
one of the most famous kings in English history. He created the English church and made him the supreme head of the church so he could divorce his first wife. He was a playboy.

Then came The Elizabethan period also called "the Golden age"
Queen Elizabeth I (the virgin)
Daughter of King Henry VIII. The Tudor dynasty died with her because she did not marry someone and got any children.
She defeated Spain that was the most powerful and the greatest country in the world then.
England was unstable under that time, but sooner they became more powerful. they had a lot of colonies, that's why English is an international language now.
She became a national symbol for England. (fashion, theatre)

Ajouté au bande de temps:

21 févr. 2019


9 janv. 1485
9 oct. 1603
~ 118 years