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April 1, 2024

'All Out War: Part 1' (The Walking Dead: Volume 20) (6 h 30 avr. 2005 ans – 9 h 9 mai 2005 ans)


- Day 651 > 660
- Rick and Andrea wake up on the first day of the war.
- Rick prepares the communities with a speech.
- The Militia gets into position.
- The Militia makes their first stand, Holly is captured, the Sanctuary is surrounded by a herd.
- The Militia celebrate.
- The Saviors try killing the herd, David tries to rape Holly.
- Gregory returns, Maggie takes leadership of the Hilltop.
- Michonne returns to Alexandria.
- Ezekiel leads his men to their deaths, Shiva is devoured.
- Rick's group storm an outpost, Eric is killed.
- Ezekiel explains his loss to Michonne.
- Rick's group burn the bodies, Aaron mourns Eric.
- Michonne tells Ezekiel to get himself together, Rick's group returns.
- Holly bites Denise, Negan bombs Alexandria, Dwight kills his own men.
- Maggie and the Hilltop arrive, Alexandria is ruined.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


6 h 30 avr. 2005 ans
9 h 9 mai 2005 ans
~ 9 days

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