June 15, 2024

Reformation (21 janv. 1500 – 21 janv. 1650)


The restructuring of the church led by Martin Luther. He and others felt that the church has strayed from its true purpose and wanted it to be reformed. In the following years, many countries broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and constructed new ideas such as the idea that people were capable of making their own decisions based on reason. Martin Luther wrote 95 theses that expressed his ideas about the church.

Contributions to Classical Liberalism:
Luther's theses expressed the idea of Rule of Law in the sense that the Pope shouldn't be acting superior and God-like compared to everyone else. Also, his theses presented his thoughts on individual rights and freedoms. He believed people should have greater religious freedom, in a way that they practice it in a more personal and connected way.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


21 janv. 1500
21 janv. 1650
~ 150 years

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