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April 1, 2024

'The Best Defence' (The Walking Dead: Volume 5) (12 h 9 avr. 2004 ans – 7 h 30 min, 11 avr. 2004 ans)


- Day 265 > 267
- Rick, Dale, Tyreese, Glenn and Maggie search through A-Block.
- They spot a helicopter crashing, Rick, Glenn and Michonne go to investigate.
- Dale and Andrea adopt Billy and Ben.
- They find the crash site and follow the footprints.
- They arrive at Woodbury, GA and meet 'The Governor', Rick loses his right hand.
- The Governor tortures and rapes Michonne.
- Rick wakes up, the Governor goes home.
- Glenn is moved cell, the Governor makes him listen to Michonne's rape.
- Stevens tells Rick about the Governor and Woodbury.
- The prison group worry about Rick, Glenn and Michonne.
- Tyreese returns to the prison having not found Rick or the helicopter.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


12 h 9 avr. 2004 ans
7 h 30 min, 11 avr. 2004 ans
~ 2 days

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