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April 1, 2024

American Revolution (26 mai 1765 – 4 déc. 1783)


The American Revolution lasted from 1765 to 1783. This was a war between the Thirteen Colonies, and Great Britain. The Thirteen Colonies fought in order to gain total freedom from Britain and it's taxes, while Britain fought to regain control of the colonies and their resources. After the colonists (under the guidance of George Washington) won several victories against the British, the French (and other nations that had a grudge against the British) began to supply the colonists with weapons and ammunition. This eventually ended with the colonists winning the war and creating America. Throughout this war, many nations were inspired to fight for the freedom that the colonists had created.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


26 mai 1765
4 déc. 1783
~ 18 years

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