// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Ancient Egypt (16 h 37 min, 1 janv. 3101 ans av. J.-C. – 10 h 30 min, 1 janv. 2686 ans av. J.-C.) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Ancient Egypt (16 h 37 min, 1 janv. 3101 ans av. J.-C. – 10 h 30 min, 1 janv. 2686 ans av. J.-C.)


Early garments were made from light weight linen and cotton.
- Drawings and tombs reveal the fashions of that day
Men and wore knee long skirts tied in the front.
- Women wore long straight dresses that tied behind the neck.

Both wore bead necklaces with their garments.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

26 nov. 2018


16 h 37 min, 1 janv. 3101 ans av. J.-C.
10 h 30 min, 1 janv. 2686 ans av. J.-C.
~ 415 years

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