// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Another long conversation (19 avr. 2018 – 20 avr. 2018) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Another long conversation (19 avr. 2018 – 20 avr. 2018)


I talked with Logen tonight and she is still really angry. Now she is mad because I texted her a couple nights ago asking if she wanted me to go to her art show tonight. She never responded and she said it made her really mad that I even knew about it because her mom didn't even know about it.

She is accusing me of "being in her business" and let it slip that her mom said she doesn't think i should be involved or know about any of it because "I was never involved" all of the years before. of course that isn't true...i spent the last 3 years while Logen was at Valley asking Melissa to share school information and report cards and she never did. Now that there is a new school i have inserted myself to make sure i'm in the system and am receiving communications from teachers and the school.

it took me a full semester to even get on the phone call list. i'm still not getting emails or anything in the mail. it is clear that no matter what i do it will "make Logen mad"....or in other words make Melissa mad or she will twist anything i do in to something negative and another reason to get Logen so mad at me that she refuses to come. Just like she is refusing to come this weekend...again.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


19 avr. 2018
20 avr. 2018
~ 24 hours