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April 1, 2024

Melissa loops Logen in to emails (6 juill. 2017 – 7 juill. 2017)


Tells Logen that dogs and weddings are more important than she is and that he lied to her.

From: Trip Taylor <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Calendar
Date: July 6, 2017 at 12:11:21 PM PDT
To: Logenzmom <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]

then lets all sit down and go over the schedule so we can all plan the rest of the summer. Again you are turning a simple e-mail into you “forfeiting my next year” i have not asked for that nor would i? So again if we could just stick to the facts and communicate then this will be an easy process for everyone. I also don’t think it is fare for logen to be part of this because i don’t want her to feel like she is in the middle. If she asked to be part of it than that fine. If she did not than i don’t think it is fare to put her in the middle of what should be a simple conversation between you and I. So easy solution, lets the three of us sit down and put some dates together. That way we can all plan our summer with no surprises or last minute surprises. Seams very simple and fare for everyone?
On Jul 6, 2017, at 11:47 AM, Logenzmom <[email protected]> wrote:

Understood, but you seem to make assumptions that are solely in your control. You chose not to take Father's Day weekend, you then chose not to take 4th of July. The reasonings are your own I just make up the difference. This is not me forfeiting my next years because you say so or you taking random days in exchange without further conversation with Logen and I. We are all in this together and we all want time to do fun things and plan. No one is stopping you from your time. I am trying to avoid what happened at the beginning of the summer. Logen had not made the cheer squad when the calendar was established and did not know there would be camp days. Things change and we need to be flexible. Let's just be open to change and growth please. That is all I am asking. The split down the middle, you got this day, I got that day needs to somehow resolve itself. It's getting exhausting for everyone.

Sent from Melissa LaCombe

On Jul 6, 2017, at 11:32 AM, Trip Taylor <[email protected]> wrote:

If you read all my e-mails it is very easy to see that i am trying to lock in days so everything is not last minute. I am trying to plan time off at the end of the summer so we can do something fun. if i don’t have dates i can not do that. As we all have discussed i am eager to hear what Logen wants to do. This is why we discussed at the beginning and we decided that she would stay and take time with her friends from 8th grade. the problem was improper communication since it was asked the night before we where leaving. I take responsibility on my side and have apologized to you and Logen. I am not fighting with you and i don’t see why this is a fight. i am asking for dates and referred back to the dates you gave me on your calendar. You said that you reviewed with Logen and you two came up with this calendar together. Since you both discussed it and planed those dates together i was just confirming so i could plan when Logen is with me. I will tell you the same thing i tell Logen all the time. i don’t want to fight or argue about anything with you We should be able to discuss all this without adding so much emotion and stress to everyone. If you read the chain below you have not even recommended an alternative to the dates i suggested from your calendar. Stop making me the enemy all i want is what is best for Logen, stop the fighting and spend quality time with her……the same thing you want. So lets stop the uses back and forth and finger pointing and accusations that are 100% not true. Today is the day i ask you to take a new approach with me to just communicate and do this without reading into e-mails or thinking i have any bad intent, because that is not my intention.


On Jul 5, 2017, at 9:27 PM, Logenzmom <[email protected]> wrote:

No that was prior to cheer dates being added that would take away from my time and Logen meeting new friends at school which she may might to see as well. This is a family decision, not yours alone. I will not agree to fighting our way through the end of summer like we did the first half because you refuse to give Logen a voice.

Sent from Melissa LaCombe

On Jul 5, 2017, at 6:46 PM, Trip Taylor <[email protected]> wrote:

Since you and Logen created the calendar you sent that split s the first and second half of the summer, then ii will take this as conferformation that we are on the same page. i will pick Logen up on July 20th as scheduled and you will pick her up on August 2nd and have her till school starts. no need to discuss further. thanks have a great night.

Logenzmom <[email protected]> wrote:

Logen has cheer camp August 10th-13th and she will need to be a part of the bigger conversation regarding the rest. I'm not repeating the first half of the summer again.

Sent from Melissa LaCombe

On Jul 5, 2017, at 2:09 PM, Trip Taylor <[email protected]> wrote:

Since we have never picked this conversation back up. i would like to confirm the 2nd half of Logen’s summer since we didn’t ever lock it down. since we basically split the 1st part of summer it makes the most sense to go with your calendar for the 2nd part of summer and split the 2nd half. from what you presented that means i will pick her up from school on the 20th and you can pick her up at 8pm on august 2nd.

for time the time for on memorial day weekend i will take Logen for veterans day weekend starting Thursday night. Let me know so we can both plan.


Trip Taylor
Senior Vice President of Media
1000 Calle Amanecer SAN CLEMENTE CA 92673

Ajouté au bande de temps:


6 juill. 2017
7 juill. 2017
~ 24 hours