// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Disorder in the Roman Republic created an opportunity for Julius Caeser to gain power. (23 h 25 min, 3 mars 70 ans av. J.-C. – 23 h 59 min, 27 juin 58 ans av. J.-C.) (La bande de temps)
April 1, 2024

Disorder in the Roman Republic created an opportunity for Julius Caeser to gain power. (23 h 25 min, 3 mars 70 ans av. J.-C. – 23 h 59 min, 27 juin 58 ans av. J.-C.)


Many people became unhappy and were unemployed when chaos emerged in Rome's government. People rioted in the streets, while people from around the republic flooded the city. An orator and philosopher named cicero called for changes but was unsuccessful. He wanted to limit the power of generals and restore checks and balances on government.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

1 déc. 2017


23 h 25 min, 3 mars 70 ans av. J.-C.
23 h 59 min, 27 juin 58 ans av. J.-C.
~ 11 years