April 1, 2024

Rome and Christianity. (14 h 52 min, 1 oct. 79 ans av. J.-C. – 7 h 35 min, 8 juill. 70 ans av. J.-C.)


People started to become unhappy ad unemployed at the same time chaos arose in Romes government. People voted on the streets while people from around Rome flooded the city.A man named Cicero tried to change it but he failed. He wanted to restore checks and balances on the government and limit controls of the generals. A man named Julius Caesar came and took power of Rome. He was a powerful general and he formed a partnership with Pompey and Crassus. All three ruled Rome for ten years. Pompey grew jealous and started a war, but failed and died. Caesar gave himself the title of dictator. The people resented the way he came into power though and senators did not like how he reduced their power. Caesar was killed by a group of senators, whom were lead by Brutus. Later, Octavian and Marc Antony avenged his death. But then, Marc divorced Octavia, whom was the sister of Octavian, and he went to go marry Cleo Petra, which then started a war between Octavian and Marc. Both mark and Cleo killed themselves, making Octavian the ruler of Rome, with the new name of Augustus.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

7 nov. 2017
my timeline on rome and what has happened


14 h 52 min, 1 oct. 79 ans av. J.-C.
7 h 35 min, 8 juill. 70 ans av. J.-C.
~ 9 years and 2 months

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